MCAT Psychology Ch. 1 Biology & Behavior

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Franz Gall
Founded phrenology, generated research on brain function
Pierre Flourens
Performed ablation (removing part of brain) on animals to see what parts do what
William James
Theorized that mind functions to adapt to environment, his theory helped form functionalism
John Dewey
Founded functionalism, believed we should study organism holistically as a whole as it adapts to its environment
Paul Broca
Found that lesion in specific part of brain causes loss of function there
Hermann von Helmholtz
First to measure speed of nerve impulse, made psychology more of a science
Sir Charles Sherrington
First to discover synapses
Located in brain & spinal cord, deal w/ reflexes
X-rays taken at different angles, produces cross-sectional slice images
Sugar injected, tissue it goes to in brain is recorded
Electrodes placed on scalp, electrical activity of brain measured
Detects brain activity based on blood flow to different regions
Maps out hydrogen dense areas of body
Same as MRI, but measures changes in blood flow too
Most of brain functions like this, one side of brain controls opposite side of body: left side of brain, right side of body