Medical Records Management-HI-1011 Chapter 13

Practice help for the Medical Administrative Assistant national exam

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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EMR stands for
Electronic Medical Record
EHR stands for
Electronic Health Record
What is a Tickler File
A chronological file used as a reminder that something must be dealt with on a certain date
True or false, you cannot erase an entry in a medical record but you can use correction tape?
True or false, the physician owns the record but the patient has the right to access their information?
True or false, when making an electronic correction you need to delete the original entry to be corrected?
True or false, open is considered a record classification?
What is conditioning?
Conditioning is a process of mending damaged records. Also includes removing staples, paper clips or brads to prepare the documents to be filed.
True or flase, terminal digit accounts read right to left.
True or false, nothing comes before something when filing?
What is releasing?
Releasing is an indication the record is ready to be filed. This is done by the physician's signature, initials, or stamp and date.
What does POMR stand for?
POMR stands for problem oriented medical record and is used for documenting information in the medical record.
True or flase, medical records offer legal protection for the provider?