Medical Terminology - Immunology

Immunology, body's defense against cancer and foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.

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Immune system
Functional rather than an organ system. Consists of trillions of individual immune cells called lymphocytes, housed in lymphatic tissues & ciruclate in body fluids.
Lymphatic system
Consists of lymph, lymph vessels, number of lymphoid tissue masses known as lymph nodes, and three organs - the tonsils, thymus, and spleen.
Lymph nodes
Small oval bodies of lymphatic tissue, occur in clusters along the lymphatic vessels of the body. Vary in shape and size, but each is surrounded by dense, fibrous connective tissue capsule.
Soft & blood-rich. The largest lymphatic organ in the body. Plays important role in immune response by filtering blood and destroying old erythrocytes. Removes pathogens.
Autoimmune Diseases
Occurs when the body's immune mechanism is not able to recognize its own tissues and chemical as "self".
Aden/o, aden/o/pathy
Gland, disease of a gland.
Immun/o, immun/o/gen
Immune, immunity. producing immunity.
Lymph/o, lymph/edema
Lymph. swelling of lympth tissue.
Splen/o, splen/o/megaly
Spleen, enlargement of the spleen.
Thym/o, thym/oma
Thymus gland, usually benign tumor of the thymus gland.
-cyte, macr/o/phag/o/cyte
Cell, large phagocyte (swallowing or eating).
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIDS, progressive impairment of the immune system caused by human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Inflammation of the adenoids or pharyngeal tonsils.
Absence of a spleen.
Epstein-Barr virus
EBV, member of herpes virus family. Causes infectious mononucleosis, Burkitt lymphoma, and other lymphoproiferative disorders, especially in transplantation patients.