Medical Terminology - Oncology

Oncology, the study of cancer, neoplasms that reproduce at rapid rate.

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Malignant neoplasms
Composed of cells that do not necessarily resemble the tissue in which they are growing. Nonencapsulated masses that grow and spread more relentlessly and may become life threatening.
Benign neoplasms
New growths that develop in body tissues. Composed of the same type of cells as the tissue in which they are growing. Contained within a capsule.
Causes of cancer:
Radiation, virus', chemicals, genetic factors, diet, hormones, immune factors.
The process by which tumor cells spread to different parts of the body. This distinguishes cancer cells from benign neoplasms.
Solid tumor, most common type of cancer and includes cells of the skin, gastrointestinal system, and lungs.
Cancer cells affecting connective tissue - inclusing fat, the sheath that contains nerves, cartilage, muscle, and bone.
Classification for various type of tumors, four major groups are classified according to the type of body tissue in which they originate.
Staging & tumor grading
Used to determine the size of a tumor and the existence of metastasis. System which refers to the degree of abnormality of cancer cells compared with normal cells.
TNM staging system
Most commonly used system for staging tumors. T refers to size and extent of primary tumor, N indicates the number of area lymph nodes involved, and M refers to any matastasis of the primary tumor. Subscript number is used to indicate the size or spread of the tumor.
Aden/o, aden/o/carcin/oma
Gland, malignant tumor of glandular epithelium
Carcin/o, carcin/o/genesis
Cancer, forming, producing, or origin.
Chem/o, chem/o/therapy
Chemical, drug. treatment of disease by means of chemical substances or drugs.
Onc/o, onc/o/logy
Tumor, study of tumors.
Sarc/o, sarc/oma
Fresh, connetive tissue. A malignant tumor of connective tissue.
Ana-, ana/plasia
Without, not, loss of cellular differentiation (formation/growth)