Medicine Through Time Key People

Here is the list of flashcards which defines which medicine was developed by which of the great doctors and scientist in which year. Attempt this quiz based flashcards and check your knowledge that how well you can match the correct pair with one and other. Learn and grow with ease.

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Andreas Vesalius
Born: 1514Died:1564Published the workings of the human bodyfounder of modern human anatomy
William Harvey
Born: 1578Died: 1657the first to describe correctly and in exact detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped around the body by the heart.
Edwin Chadwick
Born: 1800Died: 1890to improve sanitary conditions and public health he did a survey to change the "poor law"- which helps poor people who are in need
Louis Pasteur
Born: 1822Died: 1895 vaccination for rabiesGerm TheoryDiscovered pasteurisationFounded microbiology with Koch
Marie Curie
Born: 1867Died: 1934Created theory of radioactivity techniques for isolating radioactive isotopesdiscovered two new elements,polonium and radium.Had idea of treating cancer using radioactive isotopes
Alexander Fleming
Born: 1881Died: 1955Discovered antibiotic substance penicillin from the fungus Penicillium in 1928
Ambroise Paré
Born: 1510Died: 1590Used a solution of egg yolk, oil of roses, and turpentine for war wounds instead of cauterizationLigatures
Joseph Lister
Born: 1827Died: 1912carbolic acid
James Simpson
Born: 1811Died: 1870chloroform