Meiosis Study Guide

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22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is meiosis
A special type of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction.
What is the pupose of meiosis?
The purpose of meiosis is to reduce the normal diploid cells (2 copies of each chromosome per cell) to haploid cells, called gametes (1 copy of each chromosome per cell). In humans, these special haploid cells resulting from meiosis are eggs (female) or sperm (male).
Where does meiosis occur in the body?
Sex organs
What cells go through meiosis?
Sex cells/gametes
Cells of the body are either.....
Prokaryotic or eukaryotic
Gametogenesis in females
Called oogenesis, formation of egg cells, in ovaries, oogonia (stem cell)à primary oocyte à secondary oocytà mature egg cell (ovum)
Gametogenesis in males
Called spertogenesis, formation of sperm, occurs in testes, spertogonia (stem cells)à create primary spermatocytesà secondary sprematocytesà spermatidsà sperm
Interphase 1
Nucleous visible, grows
Prophase 1
Chromosomes are in chromatids, each pair with chromosomes, crossing over occurs
Metaphase 1
Sister chromatid line up, spindle fibers attach to chromosomes
Anaphase 1
Sister chromatid line up, spindle fibers attach to chromosomes
Telophase 1
Sister chrom. At opposite poles, cell membrane pinches close
Prophase 2
No need to replicate DNA, rest, prepare for division, metaphase
Metaphse 2
Line up in middle of respected cells
Anaphase 2
Chromatids are broken, pulled towards opposite poles,