Menstrual Cycle-5 Stages

The 5 stages of menstrual cycles

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 5 stages of the development of the menstrual cycle?
1. Thelarche
2. Andrenarche
3. Menarche
4. Perimenopause
5. Menopause
What characterizes Thelarche?
-Breast bud development (9-12 years)
-Pituitary glands begin to make FSH and LH
What characterizes Andrenarche?
-Pubic and ancillary hair growth
-Androgenic hormones produces
-Growth spurt (lasting 1.5 years)
-Fueled by production of Testosterone
-Women make more testosterone than men at this point
What characterizes Menarche?
-Beginning of menstruation (12-13)
What characterizes perimenopause?
-Beginning of menopause (40's)
What characterizes Menopause?
-End of menstruation (6 months-1.5 years)