Mental Research Institute (MRI): Study for CA MFT Licensing Exam

I am using these flashcards to study for the CA MFT Licensing Exams in 2011. This set is about MRI and their take on Strategic Family Therapy.

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Mental Research Institute (MRI)
- Palo Alto, California
- One of the leading sources of ideas in the area of interactional/systemic studies, psychotherapy, and family therapy
- Applied research and theory development
- One of the founding institutions of brief and family therapy
Some of the famous therapists that worked at MRI
- Jay Haley
- Paul Watzlawick
- Richard Fisch
- Jules Riskin
- Virginia Satir
- Salvador Minuchin
- R. D. Laing
- Irvin Yalom
- Cloe Madanes
MRI Strategic Family Therapy model for problem development
Cybernetic (runaway positive feedback loops)
Runaway positive feedback loop
Unchecked positive feedback that causes a family or system to get out of control, compounding a system's errors
3 steps a Strategic Family Therapist takes to alter the feedback loop
1) Identify the feedback loop
2) Find the rules governing it
3) Change the loops and rules
Who is Cybernetics/Systems associated with?
Gregory Bateson
Goals for MRI Strategic Family Therapy
- Simply change the current problem (run away positive feedback loop) and send the family home, even if there are other serious problems.
- Make the family form clear, straight forward, immediate, behavioral goals and stick to them
MRI Strategic Family Therapy interventions
- Reframing
- Outpositioning
- Paradoxical interventions
- Symptom prescription
- Restraining techniques
- Providing the family with a rational for treatment
- The MRI therapist may not believe what they tell the family, but that is unimportant as long as its a rational explanation. The point of it is not to bring insight, but to induce compliance
Having someone take the role other family members place on them to the extreme
Paradoxical interventions
- Compliance based, to simply get the family to change their behavior by complying with a directive
- Or defiance based, in the hopes that the family will defy the directive and improve
Symptom prescription
- Prescribing the problem
- To expose the family's hidden relationships
Restraining techniques
Telling the family they can't move very fast because they aren't ready
6 steps to MRI Strategic Family Therapy treatment
1) Introduction and setup - MRI's limit session to 10 and set up a powerful motivator
2) Definition of the problem in clear behavioral terms
3) Estimation of the behavior (run away positive feedback loops) maintaining the problem
4) Setting goals
5) Selecting and making interventions
6) Termination