MGMT 455

Exam 1

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The order or pattern of rules that society establishes to govern the conduct of individuals and relationships among them
Legal cpacity to require another person to perform or refrain from an action
An obligation of law imposed on a person to perform or refrain from performing a certain act
Right of Privacy
The right to be free from unreasonable intrusion by others
Violent Crime Compensation Act
10,000 is the maximum amount of money a victim can get.
For a trial by jury
Must be 18
Must be tried in home country
Cannot be a felon
Must be a US citizen
Read/Write in English
Cannot be under physical or mental impairment
Dentists, Military, Police

This was back in the day, now there are absolutely no exemptions.

Only allowed 1 defferal

Excused if:
You are related to one of jury members
Or are biased.
Expungement of Arrest Record (Arrest record-Mug shot and fingerprints)
Can be erased if:
-No criminal charges have been filed
-get dropped for a mistake in identity
-no offence was committed
Self Defence
May shoot anyone if you believe they are after you, if they die they must die inside your house. The right to protect yoursel
Shop Lifting
If you have probable cause of theft occuring:
-You can detain them
-Verify their identity
-Can search them
-Call the police
4 Stages Of every law suit
Go to clerks office, then they give you a complaint form which you will need to fill out. The the plaintniff has the responsibility to inform the defndants, to "serve" them. Then they must answer, they may use a motion to dismises (dismiss the lawsuit) which is also known as a demurrer. Or they could deny, or counterclaim, then that leads to pleadings. Then finally they go to trial where they both provide evidence.
Includes a copy of the complaint and notification that the defendant must appear and respond to the allegations in the complaint
By Sherrif, by mail,
You may throw away
You must appear to court, it is an order to appear, if not you can be charges
Racketeer Influences and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
A federal law, intially targeting organized crime, that has expanded into scope and provides penalties and civil recovery for multiple criminal offences, or a pattern of racketeerong
Administrative Procedure ( Unemployment )
Right to Counsel
Right to impartial hearing officer
Right to review