Fill in the Blanks with Correct Terms for Economic Growth Flashcards

This Flashcard quiz is here to learn about the Terms for Economic Growth topic. Try out this Flashcard quiz based on Terms for Economic Growth and check out your knowledge.

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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International markets provide tremendous opportunities for _____
An absolute advantage not based on the availability of ______ resources rarely lasts
______ occurs when a country specializes in products it can supply more efficiently than it can produce other items
Comparative advantage
The purchase of goods and services from foreign services is known as _____
The U.S. _____ more than $2.3 trillion in goods and services last year
_______ is the difference in value between a nation’s imports and exports
Balance of Trade
The U.S. _____ more than $1.6 trillion in goods and services last year
A country with a trade _____ has a favorable balance of payments
Railroads, hospitals, and highways are examples of ______
_______ refers to the ratio at which one country’s currency can be converted into another country’s currency
Exchange Rate
_____ increases the value of a currency in relation to another currency
A tariff is a tax levied by a _____ on goods imported into the country
A _____ is a specific amount of money levied on each unit of a product brought into a country
Fixed Tariff
An _______ is based on the value of the item
Ad Valorem Tariff
A _____ restricts the number of units of a product that can be imported