MGMT363- Chapter 13

Leadership: Power & Negotiation

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement
Ability to influence the behavior or others & resist unwanted influence in return
Legitimate Power
Form of organizational power based on authority or position
Reward Power
Form of organizational power based on the control of resources or benefits
Coercive Power
Form of organizational power based on the ability to hand out punishment
Expert Power
Form of organizational power based on expertise or knowledge
Referent Power
Form of organizational power based on the attractiveness & charisma of the leader
Degree to which ppl have alternatives in accessing the resources a leader controls
Degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own
How important a person's job is & how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks
How aware others are of a leader & the resources that leader can provide
Use of behaviors to cause behavioral or attitudinal changes in others
Rational Persuasion
Use of logical arguments & hard facts to show someone that a request is worthwhile
Inspirational Appeal
Influence tactic designed to appeal to one's values and ideals, thereby creating an emotional or attitudinal reaction
Influence tactic whereby the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request