Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity CH 15

Tortora Funke CAse 

73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Ability to cause disease
Extent of pathogenicity
Portals of Entry - Organisms in the body
Mucous membranes
Parenteral route
Parenteral route
Injection or bloodstream via a vector
Infection or burrowing of a parasite
Mucous membranes are found
In openings of body
Preferred portal of entry
Most likely place to cause disease
Invading Microbes ID50
Infectious dose for 50% of test group

Higher ID50- least likely to become sick
Invading Microbes LD50
Lethal Dose for 50% of test population

Higher LD50- least likely to die fro pathogen
Binds to receptors on host cells
Binds to receptors on host cells
Virulence Factors
Adherence ,capsules, cell walls, enzymes
Cell Wall Virulence Factor - M protein
Resist phagocytosis And Adherence
streptococcus pyogenes
Cell wall virulence factor- Opa protein
Inhibits T-helper cells
Neisseria gonorrhoea
Cell Wall virulence factor- Mycolic acid
Resists digestion of cell wall
Mycobacterium tuberculosis