Microbiology Chp 10-13 Test


182 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Infectious agents that are too small to be seen with a light microscope and that are not cells
Viruses can _____,______ only inside the living host cell these are called ______ _______ ________
Replicate, multiply, obligate intracellular parasites
The protein coat surrounding the virus
A lipid bilayer membrane surrounding a virus
A complete virus particle (outer coating DNA/RNA)
Their genetic information, to replicate themselves in host cells
Protein coating of a virus, which protects the nucleic acid core from the environment and usually determines the shape of the virus
The protein subunit that makes up a capsid
______ ______ have a typical bilayer membrane outside their capsids
Enveloped viruses
A virons _________ comprises the viral genome together with the capsid
Viruses with only a nucleocapsid and no envelope are known as ______ viruses
The poxviruses and many bacterial viruses are called _______ because they have a more elaborate coat or capsid
Complex viruses
Many bacteriophages or viruses that infect bacteria have a complex shape that incororates:
Heads, tails, and tail fibers
The _____ _____ refers to the spectrum of host that a virus can infect
Host range
Most viruses are limited to ____ and to only _____ cells and/or tissues of that host
One; specific