
For micro test

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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____ pounds of antimicrobial drugs are used in the US each year.
Half of the antimicrobial drugs used in the US are used in animal feeds to encourage ____.
Weight gain (not to treat disease)
Substances produced by one microorganism that inhibit or kill another microorganism
It's common practice to use the term ____ to describe any chemical (whether produced naturally or synthetic) that inhibits or kills microorganisms
___ drugs are usually called antibiotics, even though they are entirely synthetic and technically are not antibiotics (more correctly, they should be called antimicrobial drugs)
The use of any chemical to treat a disease
We usually only use the term to describe the treatment of cancer using chemicals, but the use of ____ to treat diseases is also chemotherapy
Half of all antibiotics are produced by species of _____
Most other antibiotics (those not produced by species of Streptomyces) are produced by ________
Molds or species of Bacillus
Species of Streptomyces, molds, and species of Bacillus are all ____ microbes, where the production of antibiotics may be useful in eliminating competition in the crowded ___ environment
The ______ of an antibiotic is the range of microbes it's effective against
Spectrum of action
_____ is a broad-spectrum antibiotic (effective against gram-positive, gram-negative, and obligate intracellular bacteria)
____ is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic (effective only against gram-positive bacteria)
_____ antibiotics are useful when the agent is unknown
(However, they are more likely to kill normal microbiota than narrow-spectrum antibiotics.)
______ antibiotics are useful when the agent is known. The choice of antibiotic can then be targeted against the specific pathogen.