Module 13: Lab 15 Parasitic Protozoans


33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Most Protozoans are beneficial members of what ecosystem?
What 2 stages will most protozoans spend most of life as?
Cyst stage and Trophozoite
What is the Cyst stage?
Tough, resistant, survival stage
What is the trophozoite stage?
Stage involved in feeding and production
Which stage is most involved in disease transmission?
Cyst stage
T or F? Many Parasitic Protozoans cause millions of infections and deaths each year?
Name 3 diseases flagellated protozoans cause.
Giardia, Trypanosoma, and Trichomonas
Explain Giardiasis.
An intestinal infection that is transmitted when people drink the cyst of Giardia in contaminated water. The cyst stage is resistant to chlorine and this disease is common in the U.S. Diarrhea lasts a long time, dx'd by examination of the feces
Where is sleeping sickness found and what is the medical name for it?
Africa, name is African Trypanosomiasis
How is sleeping sickness transmitted?
By the bite of the Tsetse fly. The parasite lives in the bloodstream for months or years
How is sleeping sickness diagnosed?
With a blood smear
In African sleeping sickness, what happens when trypanosoma reaches the central nervous system?
Coma or death
In America, what disease does Trypanosoma cause?
Chagas disease
What is Trichomoniasis caused by?
By the flagellate, Trichomonas. It's normally seen when the normal vaginal biota is altered
How is Trichomoniasis diagnosed?
Microscopically, by looking in the discharge that it causes