Molumby Bio 101: Exam 1

Review for BIO 101 Exam 1

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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5 General Characteristics of a Living thing?
1.) Birth and Death
2.) Need for an Energy Source
3.) Reproduction
4.) Information
5.) Evolution
Essentially fixed set of infomation in an individual
Basic attributes that differ from one species to the next?
1.) The presence of a nucleus
2.) Multi-cellular, single-celled, colonial
3.) autotrophs, heterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, or mixotrophs
4.) Modes of reproduction
5.) Differing life histories
4 Steps of Scientific Method?
1.) Observe and describe phenomena
2.) Formulate a hypothesis
3.) Make predictions
4.) Perform experiments-must be reproducible
Adaptation (verb)
The process by which natural selection has altered an individual over time
Adaptation (noun)
Characteristic that makes an organism more or less fit
4 Types of Variation
Attributes (Qualitative), Quanitative, Discontinuous, Continuous
Ex. of Qualitative Variables
(Attributes) Ex. human eye color, political party, blood type, gender
Ex. of Quanitative Variables
Measurable variables; fall along an axis; can be measured to observe their place in relation of others
Ex. Discontinuous and Continuous variables
Ex. of Discontinuous Variables
Shoe size, number of mates, number of scales along a certain part of a snake's face
Ex. of Continuous Variables
Height, weight, age, length of an insects thorax
Formula for Variance
Sum of (X-Xbar)^2 divided by N-1
Formula for Standard Deviation
Square Root of the Variance
Sequence of DNA that codes for a single genetic instruction
One variant of a gene
Ex. Mom's genotype is BbWw
The alleles she can pass down are BW, Bw, bW,bw