Mr Taylors Chapter 14 Test

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New harmony indiana was an example of a what?
Who was the leader of education who lengthened the school to six months
Horace mann
The first collage for african americans was called what?
Ashmann institute
Who wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
Washington Irving
The first white abolitionist to call for the "immediate abd complete emancipation" of enslaved people was who?
William Loyd Garrison
Who was the former enslaved african american who had never been taught to read or write, but spoke with wit and wisdom?
Sojourner Truth
Wemon fighting to end slavery recognized their own bondage and formed the what?
Womens rights movement
The first womens rights convention was held in what state?
New york
What was the first state to grant women the right to vote?
Who became head of education in massachusetts in 1837?
Horace mann
Who wrote Moby Dick, an epic tale of a whaleing captain?
Herman Melville
Who wrote seemingly simple, deeply personal poems
Emily Dickinson
Who purchased his freedom from the slaveholder he had fled?
Fredrick Douglass
Who was the most famous underground railroad conducter?
Harriet Tubman
The most controversial issue at the seneca falls convention concerned what?