Music Appreciation--Bob Dylan's Folk Revival of the 1960s

This set talks about Bob Dylan and the Folk Revival of the 1960s. 

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Who were the Folklorists?
People who tried to document the musical history of various communities, like John Lomax, who collected cowboy songs and black songs
Anthology of American Folk Music
Compiled by Harry Smith gave exposure to different types of music
What was different about Bob Dylan's folk music?
In 1965, at the Newport Folk Festival, he went electric, combining rock with folk.
What type of folk song took sides on a current issue?
Topical songs
Who was Bob Dylan's biggest influence?
Woody Guthrie
What was Bob Dylan's most popular protest song, and what is ironic about it?
"Blowin' in the Wind" is does not protest against anything in particular
In what areas did Dylan break with other folk musicians?
He did not write merely topical songs, realistically, with political agendas, but looked instead to surrealism, avante garde, and the absurdist.