Music Review

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the basic rules for writing a whole tone scale
The basic rules for writing a whole tone scale are: 1)-Do not enharmonically change the tonic note2)-A whole tone scale uses only six different letter names3)-Every whole tone contains the interval of a diminished 3rd.
When a whole tone starts on the tonic sharp of a major scale where does the diminished 3rd occur
When a whole tone starts on the tonic sharp of a major scale the diminished 3rd occurs between the 2nd & 3rd
How is a major pentatonic scale formed
A major pentatonic scale is formed by removing the fourth and seventh degrees of a major scale.
How is the minor pentatonic scale formed
The minor pentatonic scale can be formed by removing the second and sixth degrees from a natural minor scale. The minor pentatonic scale always begins with the interval of a minor 3rd
How do you form a melodic minor scale
The melodic minor scale is formed by raising the fifth and the sixth degree of the scale ascending and lowering the fifth and sixth degree of the scale descending
Where do the semitones occur in a melodic minor scale
In a melodic minor scale the semitones ascending occur between the 2/3; 7/8 and descending 2/3; 5/6
What intervals are classifed as perfect intervals
The intervals of a unison, 4th, 5th and an octave
How is an interval written below a give note
  1. Determine the bottom note of the interval by counting down the required number of notes from the given note
  2. Identify the interval using the bottom note as the tonic
  3. Adjust the bottom note to obtain the required interval
What are the names of the notes on the line of a bass clef staff
Not as slow as largo
What does a dot placed after a note or rest indicate
A dot placed after a note or rest increases the length or duration of that note or rest by half of it's vale
Alla, all
In the
Very much
Ben, bene
coll, colle, col colla