Mythology Chapter 8


22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How was Acrisius related to Perseus?
How was Danae related to Perseus?
What did the Delphic oracle tell Acrisius?
His grandson would kill him
What did Acrisius do to stop the oracle from coming true?
He locked his daughter in a tower of bronze
How did Zeus get to Danae?
He turned into a shower of gold
What did Acrisius then do to Danae and Perseus?
He locked them in a box and threw it in the ocean
Who was Dictys?
He was a fisherman who found the chest with Danae and Perseus in it
Who was Polydectes?
Brother of Dictys, king of Seriphus, fell in love with Danae
What task did Perseus boast he could accomplish?
Said he could get the head of Medusa
Who were the Gorgons?
Three monster sisters with snake hair, tusks and brass hands
What did Athena and Hermes tell Perseus to do?
Find the Graeae and take their eye and tooth until they show you were the nymphs are
Who were the Graeae?
Three women who were old from birthName means Gray OnesHave one eye and one tooth
How did Perseus get the Graeae to tell him what he needed to know?
He took their one eye and tooth
What objects did the nymphs give Perseus?
Cap of invisibilitywinged sandalssack for Medusa's head
How did Perseus kill Medusa?
Looked at her through his shield and chopped her head off