NASM Chapter 1

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Muscle Imbalance
Alteration of muscle length surroundoing a joint.
Chronic Disease Accounts for ___% of Deaths in the US
Cardiovascular disease accounts for ___% of Deaths
Overweight & Obesity
Healthy BMI for adults >20 years old : 18.5 - 24.9%
Overweight BMI : 25 - 29.9% (25-30 lbs overweight)
Obese BMI : >30% (more than 30 lbs)

66% of americans overweight, 34% are obese
Healthy Cholesterol Level
<200 mg/dL
*Boarderline high 200 - 239
*High >240
BMI Equation
BMI - 703 x weight (lb) / height^2 (in^2)
BMI - weight (kg) / height^2 (m^2)

* ^2 = squared
Type 1 Diabetes
Juvenile diabetes because symptoms usually appear during childhood. Pancreas cannot produce insulin so blood sugar is not optimally delivered to cells, resulting in high blood sugar or "hyperglycemia"
Type 2 Diabetes
Normally associated with obesity (abdominal) and accounts for 90 to 95% of all diabetes.

Produce adequate insulin but cells are resistant to insulin and do not allow it to bringi n adequate blood sugar.

80% of all individuals with type 2 are overweight or obese.
Low-Back Pain
Affects nearly 80% of all adulds,

Predominant in people who work:

-in enclosed spaces
-in manual labor
-sitting for periods of time greater than 3 hours.

Also caused by lumbar lordosis (curve in lumbar spine)
Knee Injuries
-80,000 - 100,000 ACL injuries a year
-Most between ages of 15-25
-Higher chance of developing arthritis after an injury.
-Caused by lack of activity, enhancing neuromuscular stabilization (body control) can lower risk.
A state of lost physical fitness. May include:
-Muscular Imbalances
-Decreased Flexibility
-Lack of core and joing stability
Cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all mechanoreceptors that sense body position and limb movement.
Proprioceptively Enriched Environment
An unstable (yet controllable) physical situation in which exercises are performed that cuases the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms.
OPT Model Definition & Benefits
-A model for training built on a foundation of principles that progressively and systematically allows any client to achieve optimal levels of physiologic, physical, and performance adaptations.

improves cardiorespiratory efficiency, hormone and cholesterol adaptations, metabolic efficiency, tissue tensile strength, and bone density
decrease in body fat and increase in lean body mass (muscle)
Improves strength, power, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, and balance.
Phases of the OPT Model

-Phase 1: Stabalization Endurance


-Phase 2: Strength Endurance
-Phase 3: Hypertrophy
-Phase 4: Maximal Strength


-Phase 5: Power