National Chiropractic Boards Part II, Part 3


84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Which side does Dr. stand on?
Dr. contacts the side they are standing on except when?
Except: Seated diversified and pull move on spinous (side posture)
In the cervicals you ALWAYS do what?
Laterally flex over your contact and rotate the head away.
Lovett Positive
(Rotatory)- Demonstrates vertebral body rotation and convexity towards, and porportional to the low side of the sacrum. Usually asymptomatic
Lovett Negative
(Simple)- Convexity is towards the low side of the sacrum, but vertebral hody rotation is towards the high side of sacrum. (Spasm on convexity) SP toward convexity
Tight erecdtor spineTight quad/PsoasWeak abdominalsWeak hamstrings/Gluteals(sole lifts)
Tight abdominalsTight Hamstrings/GlutealsWeak Erector spineWeak quads/ psoas(heel lifts)
Tight= Facilitated. What is the tx:
Weak= Inhibited. What is the tx:
What is the cervical Facet plane, and motion?
Transverse and Rotation
What is the thoracic facet plane and motion?
Coronal and Lateral flexion
What is the lumbar facet plane and motion?
Sagittal and Flexion/Extention
What is the lumbosacral facet plane and motion?
Coronal and Lateral flexion
Meric Chart for C1, C2
Meric Chart for T1-T4
Heart and Lungs