New Testament Exam 1

Study material for exam 1 in New Testament 

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How many books are in the New Testament??
There are 27 books in the New Testament.
Name the 4 types of material in the New Testament.
Gospel, Acts, Letters/Epistles and Apocalypse
Define Canon. Can the etymology of this word be traced?
The literal translation is "stick" as in ruler. Serves as the standard that measure which books measured up and were "worthy" to be in the Bible.
What language was the Old Testament written in?
What language was the New Testament written in?
Define the word Synoptic
Literal translation: See together Refers to the events that the authors of the Gospels wrote about. Their differences and their similarities.
What is the "Synoptic Problem" also referred to as the "Synoptic Question".
How is it that the 3 Synoptic Gospels are so similar? And since they are so similar why are they so different?
What does "Q" mean? What does it refer to?
Q stand for Quell which means source in German. The "Q" is not a literary source, but an oral source. Stories told in great detail and everyone knew them by heart. (kind of like cinderella)
Sources of the Gospel material?
Preaching, written material, Christian worship.
Why is Matthew often called "the most Jewish" of the four Gospels?
Early repeated emphasis on Jesus as the Christ (greek for Christos which translates the semitic term Messiah(the annointed one)). He quotes the Old Testament frequently. "fulfillment passages" Describes Jesus as the New Moses
How many sections of narrative are there in Matthew?
Which book is said not to have been written for a Jewish audience? Why is this said?
Mark because he explains Jewish traditions. He wouldn't have to explain Jewish customs to a Jew.
The two parts of Mark?
1. Stories2. The passion scene.
The only gospel with a prologue is...
In much of Luke, Jesus is said to be hanging out with the following people.
Women, Samaritans, Lepers and tax collectors. anyone seen as "untouchable"