Night by Elie Wiesel

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49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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When was the Holocaust?
What is the name of Hitler's book that detailed his belief that the Jews were to blame for the world's problems?
Mien Kampf (my struggle)
What conentration camp was used to train future camp leaders?
Who were the SD?
Intelligence/Secret Service - uncover Nazi Party's enemies
Who were the SS?
Hitler's protective squad (used to cause fear and gain order); elite squad
Who were the SA?
Storm troopers - brown shirts (helped bring Hitler to power)
Who were the Gestapo?
State Police - collected Jews & sent them to concentration camps
What did the Nuremberg laws do?
Stripped Jews of their citizenship, they were seen as a race, not a religion
How did Hitler keep the rest of the world in the dark about Germany's anti-Semitism?
Telling one story, but doing another ----> the "model" Ghetto; took down signs for Olympics
Why was Hitler able to take over Czechoslovakia without difficulty from the rest of the Western world?
The other European countries didn't care about those countries
What is Kristallnacht?
"The Night of Broken Glass" - Jews were killed + arrested
What did Germans do to further the humiliation of the Jews following November 10th, 1938?
Made the Jews cean up the mess from Kristallnacht
In what year did Hitler invade Poland?
What did the Nazis use the ghettos for?
Leading area to concentration camps all across Europe
How old did Jews have to be when they were forced to wear the Star of David on their clothing?
10 years old + older