Noun Slots

Noun slots concept-knowledge flashcards for Mr. Clark's 7th grade English class at BASIS Scottsdale.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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Fill in the blank: A simple subject must agree with the verb phrase in _____ and _____.
number, person
If my verb phrase were "attacks," my subject must be what number, and what person?
singular, 3rd person
If my verb phrase were "am," my subject must be what number, and what person?
singular, 1st person
What is the simple subject question?
"What + [verb]?"
What is the direct object question?
"[Verb] + what?"
What do we call verbs that have direct objects?
transitive verbs
What do we call verbs that do not have direct objects?
intransitive verbs
Can linking verbs have direct objects?
No, they have "subject complements" (predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives).
Since direct objects and predicate nominatives both answer the same question about the verb, how can we tell them apart?
Direct objects refer to something different from the simple subject, whereas predicate nominatives refer to the same thing as the simple subject, modifying it.
Transform the clause "the milkman stole my wife" into the passive voice. What happens to the direct object?
"My wife was stolen by the milkman." The direct object in the active voice becomes the subject in the passive voice.
What is the indirect object question?
"[Verb] + to (or for) whom?"
Is there an indirect object in the clause "Suresh gives his father a ham"?
yes, "father"
Is there an indirect object in the clause "Suresh gives a ham to his father"?
No: "father" is a prepositional object.
What is the subject complement question? (Remember: predicate nominatives are a type of subject complements — the other is predicate adjectives.)
"[(Linking) verb] + what?"
What are four linking verbs that might take a predicate nominative? Use each (with predicate nominatives) in a sentence.
"be," "remain," "become," "stay" (sentences are up to you)