Nut 115 Midterm 1

Nut 115 UCDAVIS winter 2010 MIdterm 1

207 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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T/F Lignin is Indigestible
T/F Roughages are typically high in cell wall content, bulky in nature, and less than 18% crude fiber.
T/F At birth the abomasum is the largest compartment of the ruminant stomach.
T/F Neutral detergent fiber is a measure of the cell wall content of plant material and is composed primarily of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
T/F Tannins are phenolic compounds in some plants that bind digestive enzymes and reduce digestion of dietary protein and starch in some animals
T/F Most cereal fed to animals is processed with the goal of enhancing nutrient digestion.
T/F Covered cereal grains, for example wheat, are composed of four broad fractions: husk, bran, endosperm, and germ.
T/F Energy is not a nutrient, but a property that some nutrients possess.
T/F A possible objective function of a linear program used for formulating diets might be to minimize the cost of the diet, which often requires the input of a skilled nutritionist.
T/F Nutrition tidbits in lecture can be interesting. For example, I learned that owls and hawks regurgitate the indigestible fractions of their prey in pellets called castings!!
1st law of thermodynamics
The total energy of an isolated system is constant, although with that system energy may change its form.
2nd Law of thermodynamics
When energy is transformed from one form into another, there is a decrease in the amount of useful energy; some energy is degraded into heat and dissipated. Useful energy is captured in the formation of high energy bonds.
A chemical element or compound that is required in the diet of a given animal to permit normal functioning of the life processes
A mixture of feedstuffs supplying nutrients to an animal
Same as diet, and may be used when reffering to the daily supply of food/feed