Nutrition 120

For assistance  in Nutrition 120

70 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What does the rainbow graphic of EWCFG try to visually portray?
It portrays the proportion of each food group in your diet
Which of the following is 1 FGS? a) 1 cup cooked rice b) 1 cup fortified soy beverage c) 1/2 cup cooked beans d) 1 cup orange juice
B) 1 cup fortified soy beverage
Which of the following is part of EWCFG? a) Bread & Cereals b) Milk Products c) Vegetables d) Fruit & Vegetables e) Meat & Alternatives
E) Meat & Alternatives
Which of the follow is NOT a MACROnutrient? a) Fats b) Minerals c) Carbohydrates d) Protein
B) Minerals
Which of the following IS a MICROnutrient? a) Fats b) Water c) Dietary Fibre d) Vitamins
D) Vitamins
Which set of nutrients do not give us energy?
What is an essential nutrient?
A nutrient that the body cannot make or cannot make enough of to meet our needs
What are the Atwater factors for: CHO? Protein? Fat? Alcohol?
CHO - 4 kcal/g (17 kJ) PRO - 4 kcal/g (17 kJ) FAT - 9 kcal/g (38 kJ) ALCOHOL - 7kcal/g (30 kJ)
What is the DRI for: Protein? Fat? Carbohydrates?
Protein - 10-35% Fat - 20-35% Carbohydrates - 45-65%
What is an obesigenic environment?
When fast food is readily available, relatively cheap and is high in fat/calories
In 2003, how many Canadian children were considered obese? a) 1 out of 4 b) 1 out of 5 c) 1 out of 2 d) 1 out of 3
D) 1 out of 3
Canadians have decreased fat intake from 40% of kcal to approx 30%, where is the majority of this fat coming from?
"Other" foods - high in kcal, high in saturated fat and trans fat
Which provides more energy to the body: 7g fat or 12g CHO?
Fat - 7g x 9kcal/g = 63kcal
Which of the following is NOT an essential amino acid? a) Histidine b) Valine c) Leucine d) Alanine e) Tryptophan
D) Alanine
A healthy person consuming a 2000 kcal diet should aim for no more than how many grams of protein per day?
No more than 35%, therefore .35 x 2000kcal = 700 kcal. 700 kcal x1g/4kcal = 175g protein