The Odyssey Books 1-16

The Odyssey

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is the effect of the lotus plant?
Makes people apathetic
Why did Odysseus and his crew return to Aeolus?
The crew opened the bag of wind
What is the number of ships that escape from the Laestrogonians?
What do Telemachos and Odysseus discuss after Odysseus' identity is revealed?
A plan against the suitors
What is Odysseus' disguise in Ithaca?
An old man
What is the gift that Odysseus brings to the Cyclops?
Who is the Cyclops' father?
What is the name that Odysseus identifies himself as to the Cyclops?
No man
How do Odysseus and his men escape?
Under the flock
Why does Eurylochus not turn into a pig?
He did not go in the house
Who gives Odysseus the moly?
What warning does Circe give Odysseus to avoid danger on his way home?
Sirens, Syclla and Charybdis, Helios' herd
How long did Odysseus and his men spend with Circe?
1 year
Why are Helios' cattle hands off?
They belong to a god.
How many men survive as the men leave Helios' island?