The Odyssey Final Exam

Final Exam Essay Quotations

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Topic 1
The Reformer- Strong sense of right and wrong, strive to improve things
Athena to Odysseus (XIII 394-397)- "Patience, iron patience, you must show;/so give it out to neither man nor woman/that you are back from wandering. Be silent/under all injuries, even blows from men." 
Int: Athena wants Odysseus to understand what he needs to do: 
Inf: Athena wants Odysseus to wait and if he has patience then he will go far and have great success.
The Helper- Friendly, generous, self-sacrificing
Hermes to Odysseus (V 104-110)- “Well, here is truth for you in courtesy./Zeus made me come, and not my inclination;/ 
Int: Hermes is sent to help Odysseus on Kalypso's island: 
Inf: Although Hermes did not help voluntarily, he still wants to help Odysseus get out of the harsh and cruel place.
The Achiever- High driven for advancement, attractive, charming
Nestor to Telemakhos (III 215-217)- “You, too, are tall and well set-up, I see;/be brave, you too, so men in times to come/will speak well of you.” 
Int: Telemakhos wants to grow up because he is tired of being no use to anyone: 
Inf: Nestor is reassuring to Telemakhos that he will be a great man one day and he will follow in the footsteps of his great father.
The Individualist- self-aware, creative, personal
Athena (XV 1-5)- "South into Lakedaimon/into the land where greens are wide for dancing/Athena went, to put in mind of home/her great-hearted hero's honored son, rousing him to return." 
Int: Athena does not need any help to while going on a voyage. 
Inf: She goes to Sparta on her own to get Telemakhos and tell him to come back with her to see his father and fight with him.
The Investigator- Complex ideas, curious, insightful
Odysseus (XX 41-49)-“Aye,Goddess, that much is true; but still/I have some cause to fret in this affair./I am one man; how can I whip  those dogs?/They are always here in force. Neither/is that the end of it, there’s more to come./If by the will of Zeus and by your will/I killed them all, where could I go for safety?/Tell me that!”
Int: Odysseus is curious about what is going to come: 
Inf: Odysseus wants to know what is going to come so he can be prepared for what he is going to do.
The Loyalist- Reliable, hard-working, responsible
Odysseus to Eumaios (XIV 518-520)- "My you be dear to Zeus/as you are dear to me for this, Eumaios,/favoring with choice cuts a man like me." 
Int: Odysseus tells Eumaios that he is grateful:
 Inf: Odysseus wants Zeus to reward Eumaios for his hospitality and his loyalty to him. Eumaios has proved himself to be very trustworthy.
The Enthusiast- Optimistic, distracted, impatience
Telemakhos (XVI 211-218)- “Fear in his eyes, he looked down and away /As though it were a god, and whispered:/Stranger You are no longer what you were just now!/ Your cloak is new; even your skin!/ You are/One of the gods who rule the sweep of heaven!/Be kind to us, we’ll make you fair oblation and gifts of hammered gold./ Have mercy on us!” 
Int: Telemakhos is getting fearful because he is getting to deap and to distracted:
 Inf: Telemakhos needs to relax and stop being so optimistic and trying to figure out what could go wrong.
The Challenger- Self-confident, strong, assertive
(XXI.466-469)-“Odysseus in one motion strung the bow, / Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it.” 
Int: Odysseus challenges himself wherever he goes and will not back down:
 Inf: Odysseus will not back down from a fight or a challenge. He will stay in it until the end because that is his nature.
Topic 2
Odysseus (XVIII 176-177)- "No man should flout the law,/but keep in peace what gifts the gods may give."
Intro: The gods are above the people and their power.  They rule over anybody on the earth:   Inf: Odysseus realizes that people should not take the gods power for granted.  They should embrace it and use it for their advantage but then pay tribute to the gods.  He also knows that a man is most at peace when he accepts the will of the gods.
Odysseus (VIII 175-177)- "That was uncalled for, friend, you talk like a fool./The gods deal out no gift, this one or any-/birth, brains, or speech-to every man alike."
Int: Odysseus is mad at the men for what they believe they earn:   Inf: Odysseus realizes that the gods bless men with different talents so do not insult each other because you did not get that trait.  People should be thankful for what they got and be respectful to others.
Topic 3
Telemakhos to Athena (I 154-155)- "Greetings stranger!  Welcome to our feast./There will be time to tell your errand later."
Int: Telemakhos is showing his hospitality to Athena:   Inf: Telemakhos wants Athena to know that he is showing her xenia and he wants her to feel comfortable around him.
Nestor to Telemakhos (III 235-240)- "If grey-eyed Athena loved you/the way she did Odysseus in the old days,/in Troy country, where we all went through so much-/never have I seen the gods help any man/as openly as Athena did your father-/well, as I say, if she cared for you that way."  
Int: Nestor explains to Telemakhos what he remembers about the generosity of Athena to his father.   Inf: Nestor is complementing Telemakhos on how much he is like his father and how he will be treated like Athena treated Odysseus.