Operating System Facts

Operating Sys tem Fact

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An _______________ is a set of programs that acts as an interface between the applications that are running on a computer and the computer's hardware.
operating system
Operating systems perform actions such as:
  • Receiving user input from input hardware devices such as the keyboard or mouse
  • Sending user output to output hardware devices such as the monitor or a printer
  • Controlling the use of processing devices by applications
  • Serving as a platform for applications
  • Moderating hardware
  • Providing security
  • Managing the file system
______________________ is the ability to use multiple processing devices.
____________________ is the ability to run multiple applications simultaneously.
______________________ means that multiple processes must work together for the operating system to work effectively.
Cooperative multitasking
__________________ multi-tasking forces applications to share the CPU.
  • __________________ is the ability to run multiple parts of an application simultaneously.
The ___________________ is the core of the operating system that is loaded into memory when the system boots up. It is responsible for controlling security, managing the file system, and providing a platform for applications to run on. The user rarely interacts directly with the ____________________.
A ____________ is a type of computer program that enables the operating system to interact with hardware devices.
An ___________________ is what allows the user to interact with the kernel and the utilities.
In ________________________, commands are executed through instructions written into a command line. Examples of _____________________ are MS-DOS and aspects of Linux.
command line interfaces
In a ________________________, the user executes commands by clicking on graphics and symbols. An example of ________________________ is Windows and OSX (Mac OS).
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Graphical User Interface
_________are the features or programs included with an operating system that perform system-related tasks. Common Windows __________ are My Computer and the Control Panel.
An _________________ is a subclass computer program that is designed for end users. Examples are database, spreadsheet, and word processing programs. _________________ frequently come in suites.