Organ Transplant

Science exam

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Name the types of transplant
Autograph, Allograph, Isograph, xenograft & xentransplantation.
Define Autograph
Transplant of tissue to the same person.
Define Allograph
An allograft is a transplant of an organ or tissue between two genetically non-identical members of the same species.
Define isograph
transplant from a donor to a genetically identical recipient
Define xenograft & xentransplantation.
A transplant from one species to another
Spread of deseases world wide
Low levels of desease available in small parts of the country
Spread of the deseas nationally
Homeopathic medicine
treating a disease with remedies made from plants and minerals that would produce the same effects as the symptoms of the disease
Magnetic polarity
Magnetic fields enter your body to improve how cells use oxygen and repair themselves.
Chiropractic Medicine
It’s about keeping your spine in line.
The combine massage with attention to the same pressure points that acupuncturists target.
List of organs
Heart, liver, kidney
Bioethical essues
Organ haresting -Organs are taken from living or deceased individuals without their consent and sold for transplantation
transplant tourism- individuals go to poorer nations and buy organs for transplantation
Types of organ doners
Dead, poor people donate blood and organs.