Over the Counter Drugs

Over the Counter Drugs by Dr. Margaret Scottfield.This powerpoint was presented in class

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 203

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What are anithistamines used for?
These are used for symtpoms like runney nose, watery eyes and sneezing..think common cold symtpoms
How do antihistamines work?
These work by by binding to H1 receptors. They block histamine from working. They aslo bind to some muscarinic receptors to prevent anticholinergic receptros. This dries us the mucus and decreases mucus secretion.
What are some examples of antihistamines?
Diphenhydramine, which is also known as bendadryl
What are some side effects of antihistamines?
They are able to cross the blood brain barrier and bind to H1 receptors on the brain to induce sleepiness.
How do decongestants work?
These work by mimicing the sympathetic nervous system. They cause vasconstriction and decrease nasal draining.
What are some examples of decongestants?
Anything with the name ephedrine. Ephedrine..phenyephedrine...psedoephedrine
What are some side effects of decongestants?
The side effects for the nasla spray is your body can build up a tolerance to it. With oral...you have to be careful bc they stimulate the sympathetic system.. you need to be careful with if you have high blood pressue
What are some examples of decongestants?
-Ephedrine...Phenylepherdine or Psuedoepherdine.
What are expectorants used for?
These are used for productive coughs... They help to increase respirtatory secretions.
How do expectorants work?
They stimulate the GI tract in order to promote the respiratory tract to increase phlem.
What is the best expectorant? What is an example of an expectroant drug?
Water is the best expectorant...An example is Guaifensin
What are antitusives used for? How do they work?
They are used for the dry couch.. They work by blocking the cough center in the medulla by binding to teh NMDA receptors.
What is an example of an antitusive?
What are some of the major side effects of antitussives?
These drugs can surpress the respiratoty system if you over dose....cause dizziness and GI problems.
What are analgesic and anti-pyretic used for?
Used to treat mucles aches, body aches fever, sore throat.