Overview Exploring Space

8th grade science

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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People explore space with what three things?
Visible light, radio waves, rockets
People explore space with visible light using what two things?
Reflecting telescopes and refracting telescopes
People explore space with radio waves using what?
A radio telescope
People explore space with rockets using what?
Satellites, space shuttles, and space probes
A refracting telescope is a type of what telescope?
Radio waves and gamma rays are two types of what (waves)?
Sound waves are an example of what?
Mechanicle waves
What usues mirrors to focues light from the object being viewed?
Reflecting telescope
Because radio waves can pass freely though Eath;s atmosphere what are most useful under most weather conditions?
Radio telescopes
What is a motor that burns fuel without air?
In what does light pass through a double convex lens and is bent to form an image on the focal plane?
Refracting telescope
To hear astronauts in space, the sound eaves are converted to what and then back to sound waves?
Radio waves
All electromagnetic waves travel at the same what?
What travels at 300,000 km/s in a vacumm?
In a radio telescope radio waves strike a large curved what?