Choose the Correct Option from the Following Terms of Urinary System Flashcards

Test 3. Study your ass off

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Which of the following does NOT contribute to water conservation?A. the collecting ductB. the countercurrent multiplierC. the countercurrent exchange systemD. diureticsE. the length of the nephrons
D. diuretics
All of the following are composed of cuboidal epithelium EXCEPTA. the thin segment of the nephron loopB. the thick segment of the nephron loopC. the collecting ductD. the proximal convoluted tubuleE. the distal convoluted tubule
B. the thick segment of the nephron loop
Hypocalcemia, or low blood calcium level, stimulatesA. a decrease in aldosterone productionB. secretion of parathyroid hormoneC. secretion of reninD. an increase in blood urea nitrogenE. vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles
B. secretion of parathyroid hormone
In the nephron, the fluid that immediate preceeds the urine is known asA. plasmaB. glomerular filtrateC. tubular fluidD. renal filtrateE. medullary filtrate
C. tubular fluid
The average person has approximately ? nephrons per kidneyA. 1.2 millionB. 2.4 millionC. 3.6 millionD. 4.8 millionE. 5.6 million
A. 1.2 million
Which of the following is not an organ of the urinary system?A. urethraB. collecting ductC. ureterD. urinary bladderE. kidney
B. collecting duct
In life-threatening starvation, the kidneys synthesize glucose byA. secreting erythropoietinB. secreting reninC. deaminating amino acidsD. contributing to calcium homeostasisE. producing uric acid
C. deaminating amino acids
This byproduct of protein catabolism constitutes approximatey one-half of all nitrogenous wasteA. ureaB. creatinineC. uric acidD. azotemiaE. ammonia
A. urea
Which organ system does NOT excrete waste?A. the urinary systemB. the cardiovascular systemC. the integumentary systemD. the digestive systemE. the respiratory system
B. the cardiovascular system
Which is not a function of the kidneys?A. they regulate osmolarity of the body fluidsB. the fight osteoporosis by synthesizing vitamin DC. they help control blood pressureD. They release waste into the bloodstreamE. they indirectly increase oxyhemoglobin
E. the indirectly increase oxyhemoblobin
The innermost connective tissue layer protecting the kidney and assisting in staving off infection is known asA. the perirenal fat capsuleB. the renal fasciaC. the hilumD. the fibrous capsuleE. the renal medulla
B. the renal fascia
A single lobe of a kidney is comprised ofA. two calyces and a renal pelvisB. one pyramid and the overlying cortexC. one major calyx and all of its minor calycesD. a renal medulla and two renal columnsE. one collecting duct and all nephrons that drain into it
D. a renal medulla and two renal columns
A renal pyramid voids urine into A. the minor calyxB. the major calyxC. the renal medullaD. the renal papillaE. the ureter
A. the minor calyx
Which of these correctly traces blood flow from the renal artery into the renal cortex?A. arcuate a->interlobar a->afferent arteriole->interlobular aB. interlobar a->interlobular a->segmental a->arcuate aC. segmental a->interlobar a->arcuate->interlobular aD. afferent arteriole->interlobular a-> arcuate a-> interlobar aE. segmental a-> arcuate a->interlobar a->interlobular a
C. segmental a->interlobar a->arcuate->interlobular a
The transition from an afferent to an efferent arteriole occurs in the A. glomerulusD. medullaC. cortical radiate veinsD. peritubular capillariesE. vasa recta
A. glomerulus