25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is pain from a body part?
What is pain that's cause is unknown?
What is pain that in a different area than the source?
Referred pain
Someone how has a gal bladder problem may experience should pain, this is an example of what?
Referred pain
Pain that is deep in the viscera
Visceral pain
Define nociceptive pain
The somatic and visceral pain (musculoskeletal, or visceral; usually dull and aching/throbbing)
What are the four physiological processes for nonciceptive (normal) pain?
1)transduction(when pain is first felt) 2) transmission (the spreading of pain messages causing an inflammatory rsponse) 3)pain perception (when the person becomes aware of their pain) 4)modulation (inhibition of the pain impulse)
Define neurpathic pain
A burning, shooting, or electric like pain. Arises from abnormal of damaged pain nerves
Acute pain lasts no longer than?
3 months or the healing process
What are the treatment goals of chronic pain?
Focus on enhancement of the quality of life and function, decrease pain as much as possible through pain management
True or false. Fatigue heightens perception of pain
Anxiety ____ the perception of pain. and pain ______ anxiety
What is breakthrough pain?
Pain that occurs beyond treated pain. (ex. you are taking medication for athritis and you suddenly experience an episode of increased pain)
Examples of pain duration
Short, long, when did it begin?, when did it end?
Examples of pain onset
Acute or gradual