Parasitology, Mycology and Virology Registry Review Questions

Overview of parasitology, mycology and virology

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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A methodist minister from Ohio presented to his physician with a mild influenza like illness including headache and malaise. his chest x-ray showed no infiltrates. his past medical history was unremarkable. He had no history of travel but reported recently cleaning the bell tower at his church which was littered with bird excrement. the most likely agent is:a. Aspergillus fumigatusb. Coccicioides immitisc. candida albicansd. histoplasma capsulatum
D. histoplasma capsulatum
A rose gardener pricked himself with a contaminated thorn. a subcutaneous fungal infection characterized by the development of necrotic ulcers followed this direct inoculation of fungal spores into the skin. the causative fungus was cultured as a small yeast form at 36C and as a mold at room temp with delicate hyphae and conidia. this disease is:a. blastomycosisb. chromomycosisc. mycetomad. sporotrichosis
D. sporotrichosis
A urease pos yeast is found and cryptoccus neoformans is suspected. which of the following media is most useful for culturing?a. cornmeal agar with Tween 80b. Bird seed agarc. potato dextrose agard. mycosel agar
B. bird seed agar
Which of the following types of candida albicans infection is commonly acquired from an exogenous source?a. diaper rashb. neonatal thrushc. perianal infectiond. urinary tractinfection.
B. neonatal thrush
The most useful finding for prompt, presumptive id of C. albicans is itsa. failure to assimilate sucroseb. feathering on EMBc. production of chlamydoconidiad. production of germ tubes
D. production of germ tubes
Host conditions that are assoc with an inc incidence of Candida albicans infections include all of the following except:a. diabetesb. childhood viral infectionsc. prolonged antibiotic usaged. pregnancy
B. childhood viral infections
Which of the following is likely to be found in clinical specimens as normal microflora and as clinically significant isolates?a. aspergillus nigerb. scopulariopsisc. penicillium notatumd. Candida albicans
D. candida albicans
A 4yo child's hair is falling out in patches. the hair fluoresces when subjected to uv light from a wood's lamp. when the hair is cultured a white cottony mold grows at 25C on SDA. Microscopically rare condidia, septate hyphae, and terminal chlamydospores are seen. macroconidia are absent. the mold fails to grow on polished rice grains. the causative agent is:a. microsporum audouiniib. microsporum gypseumc. trichophyton mentagrophytesd. trichophyton rubrum
A. microsporum audouinii - no macroconidia
In tissues infected with histoplasma capsulatum:a. the hyphae usually invade blood vesselsb. encapsulated yeast cells are typicalc. tuberculate macroconidia are typicald. fungus is usually intracellular
D. fungus is usually intracellular
The incidence of blastomycosis is most frequently found in:a. lower sonoran life zoneb. Mississippi and ohio river basinsc. pigeon roostsd. bat roosts
B. mississippi and ohio river basins
A yeast like fungus that grows on cornmeal agar with tween 80 and produces true hyphae and arthrospores only is:a. candida albicansb. geotrichumc. trichosporond. aspergillus fumigatus
B. geotrichum
The highly, fatal arenavirus first described and predominantly occurring in Africa isa. congo-crimean hemorrhagic feverb. lassa feverc. marburg-ebola hemorrhagic feverd. yellow fever
B. lassa fever
Negri bodies may be found in brain tissue of humans or animals infected with:a. arenavirusb.filovirusc. measles virusd. rabies virus
D. rabies
The virus genus associated with warts isa. bunya virusb. flavivirusc. morbilivirusd. papillomavirus
D. papillomavirus
The togavirus known to produce fetal defects is:a. influenzab. rotavirusc. rubellad. varicella
C. rubella