Parts of the Ear


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Auditory nerves
These carry nerve impulses from the inner ear (the cochlea) to the brain
Middle ear bones (ossicles)
Hammer-a tiny bone that passes vibrations from the eardrum to the anvil
anvil-a tiny bone that passes vibrations from the hammer to the stirrup

stirrup- a tiny, U shaped bone that passes vibrations from the stirrup to the cochlea.
Fluid filled inner ear structure lined with cilia, that move when vibrated and trigger nerve impulses to be sent to the brain
A thin membrane that vibrates when sound waves reach it. the ear drum is found between the end of the ear canal and middle ear.
Eustachian tube
A tube that connects middle ear to back of nose and throat. equalizes pressure between middle ear and air outside.
Outer ear canal
The tube which soundwaves travel through to the ear drum
Visible part of the outer ear. it collects sound waves and directs them into the outer ear cannal
Semi circular canals
Three loops of fluid-filled tubes that are attached to the cochlea in the inner ear,help maintain sense of balance