Path 24: Endocrinology

Path 24: Endo crinolog

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Anterior pituitary 1. Location 2. Embryology
1. Sella turcica 2. Rathke's pouch
Main inhibitory hormone
The 2 acidophilic cells in the anterior pit
Somatotrophs lactotrophs
ADH increases when? (4)
1. increased plasma oncoid press 2. low blood volume 3. exercise 4. certain emotional states
The most common cause of hyperpituitarism
Adenoma of the anterior pituitary
Most pituitary adenomas are isolated lesions, but 3% are assoc with...
MEN type I
These are often silent and hormone-negative tumors. Size?
Macroadenomas > 1 cm
Most anterior pituitary hormones are confined to the sella turcica. Some larger ones may compress the optic chiasm. ________ may infitrate bone, dura, or brain, but will not ____________.
Invasive adenomas Metastasize
Most frequent type of hyperfunctioning adenoma
Usually, pituitary adenomas release one type of hormone from one cell. The most common combo if it's multiple hormones
GH, prolactin
Prolactinomas often undergo this reaction
Dystrophic calcification
Prolactinoma Clinical finding
Amenorrhea Galactorrhea Loss of libido Infertility
Treat prolactinoma
1. surgery 2. bromocriptine
Lactotroph hyperplasia Cause
1. Dopamine inhibits prolactin. If this is messed up, lactotrophs grow. 2. Stalk Effect
What is the stalk effect?
Any suprasellar mass may disturb the normal inhbitory effect of the hypothalamus on prolactin secretion