Pathophysiology Vocabulary for Exam 4

Terms defined from re

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Painful urination
Blood in the urine
Inflammation in the bladder wall caused by ascending bacterial infection from urethra
Treatment for cystitis
Full coarse of ABX: put them on broad spectrum ABX then take a urine culture for sensitivity testing and then put them on a specific ABX for specific infection retest urine culture after ABX tx
Risk factors for cystitis
Urinary stasis benign prostatic hypertrophy sexual intercoarse pregnancy
Benign prostatic hypertrophy when prostate gland obstructs flow of the ureters (external obstruction)
Inflammation of the renal pelvis and parenchyma ascending infection from the bladder (cystitis, stictures, stones) men with BPH at risk
Clinical manifestations of pyelonephritis
Acute- chills, fever, malaise, flank pain, dysuria, frequency and foul smelling urine chronic- bacterial invasion and repeated inflammation, leads to scarring, fibrosis and tubular dilation, may have symptoms of acute or assymptomatic
Foul smelling urine is a symptom of ...
"itis" or inflammation
Little or no urination <400 ml/qd of urine
Inflammation of the glomeruli affects both kidneys equally caused by two types of antibody-induced injury
Clinical manifestations of glomerulonephritis
Hematuria, RBC, WBC, casts, protein in urine, oliguria, edema, hypertension
#1 cause of kidney stones
Diet decreased fluid intake that increases urinary concentration (dehydration)
Purulent pus in the urine
Increased urine production