Pellico: Ch. 3 \"Chronic Illness/End Of Life Care\"

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The four most frequently occuring diseases
Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Diabetes
Illnesses that are characterized as: slow, progressive decline, permanent, cure unlikely, long-term surveillance...refer to what kind of illnesses?
Chronic Illnesses
People with chronic illnesses consider themselves to be 'sick' when what occurs?
Complications or symptoms begin to interfere with activities of daily living. (otherwise they try to live a 'normal' life)
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?... when genetic factors or lifestyle behaviors place a person or community at risk for chronic condition
Pre-trajectory Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...appearance or onset of noticeable symptoms associated with a chronic disorder
Trajectory Onset Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...characterized by an exacerbation of illness symptoms, development of complications or reactivation of an illness in remission
Unstable Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...when illness course/symptoms are under control and ADL are being managed within limitations of the illness
Stable Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...severe or unrelieved symptoms or the development of illness complications needing hospitalization, bed rest, etc
Acute Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...critical/life-threatening situation requiring emergency treatment and suspension of ADL's until over
Crisis Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...gradual recovery after an acute phase and learning to live with or overcome disabilities and return to an acceptable way of life within the illnesses' limiitations
Comeback Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase?...rapid or gradual worsening of a condition; major physical decline accompanied by increasing disability or difficulty controlling symptoms
Downward Phase
Chronic Illness Trajectory Model: What phase? days or weeks characterized by gradual shutting down of body processes.
Dying Phase
The causes of chronic illnesses/disorders is linked mainly to ______
Unhealthy lifestyles/behaviors (smoking, inactivity, overeating)
Once prevention of chronic illness has failed, the nursing focus shifts to __________(3)
Managing symptoms, avoiding complications, and avoiding development of other acute illnesses (pneumonia, ex.)
What type of awareness?... the patient is unaware of his/her terminal state
Closed Awareness