Pellico: Ch. 25 Hepatic & Billiary Disorders

82 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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____% of liver's blood supply comes from the portal vein (nutrients), and ____ % comes from the hepatic artery (oxygen).
80 / 20
What important function of the liver is essential for the kidneys to function?
Ammonia is converted to urea, which the kidneys then remove to bladder
What are important proteins that the liver metabolizes? (2) What vitamin is required for the liver to synthesize prothrombin?
Clotting Factors & Albumin / Vitamin K
What are the 8 main functions of the liver?
Glucose, Protein, Fat Metabolism and Ammonia coversion to Urea, Vitamin/Iron storage, Bile Formation, Bilirubin excretion, Drug metabolism
When the liver breaks down fats for use as energy, what is released into the blood stream?
Where is cholesterol synthesized?
Name the vitamins/minerals that are stored by the liver (6)
A, B, D, K, Iron, Copper
Liver Disease: AST, ALT, GGT, GGTP, LDH will all be high or low? Serum Ammonia? Cholesterol? Prothromibin Time?
High / High / High (if bile duct related) Low (if liver cell related) / Longer
Liver Disease: Globulin -Low or high? Bilirubin?
High / High
Hepatocellular vs. Obstructive Jaundice: appears mildy-severly ill, lack of appetite, nausea, weight loss, malaise, fatigue, weakness, headache, chills, fever maybe
Hepatocellular Jaundice
Type of jaundice caused by viral hepatitis, hepatotoxins (drugs/alcohol), metabolic disorders, ischemia, autoimmune hepatitis, or pregnancy
Hepatocellular Jaundice
Type of jaundice caused by gallstones, inflammation of the bile ducts, biliary strictures, malignancies of the biliary system, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, or pancreatitis
Obstructive Jaundice
Type of jaundice caused by increased production of bilirubin due to hemolysis, hematologic disorders, resorption of a hematoma, or multiple transfusions
Hemolytic Jaundice
Type of jaundice caused by inherited disorders of bilirubin metabolism.
Hereditary Hyperbilirubinemia
Hepatocellular vs. Obstructive Jaundice: —Dark orange-brown urine and light clay-colored stools —Dyspepsia and intolerance of fats, impaired digestion, —Pruritis
Obstructive Jaundice