Perception - "The Chemical Senses"

Test Six. The Chemical Senses.

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What receptors are responsible for the chemical senses?
At what point did taste and smell diverge?
It is believed that taste and smell diverged in the amphebians. Now smell fulfills additional functions, such as assisting in mating through the use of pharamones.
What does it mean if an animal is macrosmatic?
It means that a keen sense of smell is necessary for it's survival.
What does it mean if an animal is microsmatic?
It means that the animal has a less keen ssense of smell and can still survive and function.
What does it mean if an animal is nosmatic?
It means that the animal has no sense of smell.
How sensitive is a rat to smells, compared to a human? How sensitive is a dog?
A rat is 8 to 50 times as sensitive to smells as a human. A dog is 300 to 10,000 times more sensitive to smells than a human.
What is the difference between a macrosomatic and microsomatic animal?
There is no difference in the sensitivity of the receptors. There is just a difference in the overall number of receptors.
How can you measure odor detection?
We can measure odor detection by finding a detection threshold or a difference threshold.
What tool do we use in difference detection threshold research in odor detection?
The olfactometer.
What is the weber law ratio for olfaction?
How many odors can humans discriminate between?
Human can discriminate between about 100,000 odors, but they cannot label them accurately.
What device do we use to measure the localization of odors?
We test for the localization of odors using sniffo-meters.
What is olfactomotor activity?
This is sniffing and scanning that improves performance when localizing odors.
How did Sobel measure human scent tracking ability, and what was found?
Sobel took college age students out to a field and had them follow the scent of a chocolate bar. Two-thirds or participants could track it, using the same self-correction method that a dog does. This depends on the participant's ability to compare the strength of the scent with two nostrils.
What is a "internostril intensity cue"?
The difference in the strength of a scent between the two nostrils.