Perfusion Equations SR

Perfusion Equ ations

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
A patient is 5 ft tall. Convert to cm.
152.4 cm
How many centimeters are in an inch?
How many kilograms are in 2.2 pounds?
What is the formula to determine a Cardiac Output?
Heart rate x Stroke Volume
Find the Cardiac Output: HR: 80 BP: 120/80 SV: 70 BSA: 2.17 Cardiac Index: 1.6
HR x SV (80) x (70) 5600 ml or 5.6 L/min
What is the formula to determine the Cardiac Index?
Cardiac output / BSA
What does MAP stand for and how do you find it?
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) (MAP) = DBP + 1/3 (SBP - DBP)
What is the formula for Systemic Vascular Resistance?
[(MAP - CVP)] x 80
Use this formula to find the ___________ (kg x cm ) / 3600
Body Surface Area
Fahrenheit to Celcius
(F-32) x 5/9 = C
Celcius to Fahrenheit
(C x 9/5) + 32 = F
Conver 98F to Celcius
36.6 C
Convert 38 C to Farenheit
Convert 210 lbs into kg
95.4 kg
Convert 88 lbs into kg
40 kg