Personality Psychology- Chapter 5

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2 types of data gathered from personality tests
- mostly S data- some provide B data- i.e. MMPI, Implicit association test, intellegence
What are omnibus inventories
They measure a wide range of traits
2 types of personality tests
projective tests- a test that presents a person with an ambiguous stimulus & asks him or her to describe what is seen e.g. roschach inkblot test, draw a person test, thematic apperception testobjective tests- a personality test that consists of a list of questions to be answered by the subject as true or false, or on a numeric scale
Advantages & disadvantages of projective tests
advantages- good tool for breaking the ice- skilled clinicians may be able to get info not captured in other types of testsdisadvantages- expensive & time-consuming - a psychologist cant be sure about what they mean- other less expensive tests work as good or better
What data does projective test gather
They provide B data
Why do objective tests use so many items
- the principle of aggregation (use similar questions to average them and get a more reliable score)-uses spearman-brown formula to calculate reliability
3 methods of objective test construction
-the rational method: write items that seem directly, obviously & rationally related to what is being measured-the factor analytic method: identify which items group together by using the statistical technique of factor analysis-the empirical method: identify items based on how people in pre-identified groups respond
An example of a combined objective test
Jacksons Personality Research form (PRF)
Purposes of personality testing
-its important to know how the test will be used-helping people (schools, career counselors, clinicians) -assessment for selection or retention (employers, CIA, military)
Potential problem that may arise from personality testing
-tests are unfair mechanisms for controlling people-traits do not matter until & unless they are tested & are social constructions-being described by a set scores is undignified & humiliating
Potential problem that may arise from interest tests
-fields may not evolve-increases difficulty of women & minorities joining nontraditional fields
Potential problem that may arise from integrity tests
Honest people have to decide whether to lie to get a high score; dishonest people don't have this dilemma