TBS Ph1-Ex1: Law of War / RoE

Law of War / Rules of Engagement

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the law of war?
That part of international law that governs the conduct of armed hostilities.
When was the first common RoE established?
In 1954, the JCS first issued one for Korean War pilots. The RoE were later refined again in Vietnam.
When did the most recent change to the RoE occur?
According to our class, 2005 was the most recent change to the RoE, but Gen. Stanley McChrystal announced a comprehensive review of the RoE on April 14th, 2010. The day before, U.S. troops opened fire on a bus, killing 4 civilians and wounding 18. Also, when a pair of 650-pound artillery rockets killed 10 civilians during the assault on Marjah (Feb 13, 2010), use of rockets was curtailed.
What is the purpose of the law of war?
The purpose of the law of war is to prevent unnecessary suffering, safeguard certain fundamental human rights of those involved in a conflict, and to ultimately restore peace.
What is the RoE defined?
Directives issued by competent military authority to delineate circumstances and limitation under which naval, air, and ground forces will initiate and/or continue combat engagement with other forces encountered.
What is proportionality?
The nature, duration, and scope of the engagement must not exceed that which is required to decisively counter the hostile act or the demonstrated hostile intent. We reply with only as much force as needed to eliminate our enemy.
Status and/or classification may shift when?
(Some examples...)
When civilians take up arms
When injured combatants pick up a weapon
Unprotected Persons include who?
What are the questions we need to ask when determining an unprotected person?
Do they act under the command of a responsible leader?
Do they have a fixed and distinct uniform?
Are they carrying arms openly?
Do they obey the LoAC?
Noncombatants include who?
Technical personnel
Medical personnel
Other civilians
Combatants include who?
Members of the armed forces
Members of a regular militia or volunteer units
Members of guerrilla units
Levee en Masse
Are terrorists protected by the law of war?
Hell no. :)

No distinct uniform, not acting under the command of a distinguishable leader, not operating under the law of war, not openly carrying arms...
What are the 5 S's and a T for detainees and EPWs?
What does the US prohibit when using lasers?
We are not permitted to use them to intentionally cause blindness and may only use lasers for marking targets and guiding munitions.
What are some types of protected places?