Pharmacology Chapter 3

Chapter 3 study guide questions from Basic Pharmacology for Nurses

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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____________ medicine is a developing science that studies the differences in the normal function of men and women and how people of each sex perceive and experience disease.
Gender-specific medicine
At ___ year(s) of age, the child's stomach pH approximates that of an adult.
Drugs that are relatively insoluble are transported in the circulation by being bound to ______ proteins.
Certain medicines require that blood be drawn twice to assess both subtherapeutic levels and the potential for toxicity. One of the levels is drawn at 30 minutes before the next dose is to be administered to obtain the __________ or lowest blood level of medicine, and another is drawn at 20 minutes after the medicine has been administered to obtain the ____________ or highest blood level.
___________ is the term used to describe patients requiring multiple drug therapy.