Pharmacology Part 2

SPC Dr.Krall's Pharmacology part 2

291 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A coomon side effect seen in patients receiving enalapril (Enacard) is what
A group of cardiac medications that has heart block as a potential side effect is what
Cardiac glycosides
A medication that is used in the emergenct treatment of ventricular tachycardia is what
Which medication is a hypersomotic diuretic
When Lasic is used as a diuretic, an electrolyte that should be monitored dor depletion is what
A calcium channel blocker that has found usefulness in the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is what
In a clinical setting, a conductance disorder of the heart is referred to as what
Cardiac arrhythmia
A drug used in horses and large dogs to treat supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias is what
With most diuretics, urinary output is increased along with significant increases in the excretion of which electrolyte
It is important to be cautious of giving IV injection of vitamins as a bolus as this increases the risk of what
Anaphylactic reactions
A hormone that is indicated for the use in the treatment of dystocia is
Diabetes insipidus is caused by a deficiency of
Antidiuretic hormone
Oxytocin is a hormone that can cause what
Milk let-down
Cushing's diseases is related to what
An excess of cortisone
A glucocorticoid that is produced in a form that is not water soluble to have the effect of greatly increasing the duration of action is what
Triamcinolone acetonide (vetalog)