Phat Phap Test Study Questions

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23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Was Buddha ever born?
What year was Siddhartha born?
624 BC on a full moon in May
Where was Siddhartha born?
Lam Ty Ni Garden, in Lumbini, in India
back then, India was a small city: Ca Ty La Ve, Capylastu
under Cay Vo Uu, an Asoka Tree
How was Siddhartha born?
From the side of his mom's stomach
Who was Siddhartha's mom?
Queen Maya
Who was Siddhartha's dad?
King Tinh Phan
When did Siddhartha's mom die?
She died 7 days after he was born
Who raised Siddhartha after his mom died?
His aunt Mahapajapati (di mau, kieu dam nhi)
What did Siddhartha's mom see in her dream?
She saw a white elephant giving her a lotus flower
What did the fortune teller say after Siddhartha was born?
He could have been a religious teacher or a powerful ruler
What did Siddhartha say when he took seven steps and pointed up to the sky and down to the ground?
Thien thuong thien ha duy nga doc ton.
When did Siddhartha get married?
At age 16
What was Siddhartha's given name?
Siddhartha, Tat Dat Da
How old was Siddhartha when he got married?
At age 16
Who was Siddhartha's wife?
Da Du Da La