
This a flash card set for midterms. I need this.

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Question: The Greek usually thought of as the first western philosopher was who?
Who were the Sophists?
Traveling teachers
Plato gives us an account of a meeting between the young Socrates and one of the greatest of the Presocratic philosophers, who held that time and change are illusory. Who was it?
: When the oracle at Delphi told Socrates that he was the wisest man alive, how did he interpret this?
He alone knew nothing
Other than Plato, our best knowledge of Socrates comes from a major Athenian playwright. Who was it?
: What task does Descartes set himself at the start of the fifth meditation?
To establish which of his ideas are distinct.
What does Descartes find to be clear in his ideas of bodies?
Their geometrical properties such as extension, shape, etc.
What feature of the idea of God does Descartes claim allows him to prove God's existence?
Nessecary existence
What characteristic must an idea have in order for me to be certain that it contains truth?
It must be clear and distinct
What is a Rationalist
Someone who believes that basic knowledge arises from reason.
In the philosophy of St. Augustine, he sought to unite Christian theology with what?
Platonic philosophy
In the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, he sought to unite Christian theology with what?
Aristolliean Philosophy
According to Anselm, given that God exists in thought, why does it follow that he must exist in reality as well?
To exist in reality is greater than to exist in thought
The second of Aquinas's five ways of demonstrating the existence of God depends on the nature of what?

Efficient causes
: When Arcesilaus became head of the Academy, how did he promote skepticism?
By expounding equally powerful arguments on both sides of a question