Physical Science Cont'd

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What are the temperatures for freeqing water on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales? For boiling water?
Freezing (0 degrees Celcius, 32 degrees Fahrenheit) Boiling (100 degrees Celcius, 212 degrees Fahrenheit)
What is meant by "translational" kinetic energy?
Motion from one place to another
What is meant by the statement that a thermometer measures its own temperature?
The thermometer measures an object when in comes in thermal equilibrium with that object. So, the thermometer’s temperature is the same as the temperature it is trying to measure.
Distinguish between temperature and heat
Heat is the energy transferred from one object to another due to a temperature difference.
What determines the direction of heat flow?
Temperature difference
Distinguish between a calorie and Calorie.
Calorie = 1 kilo-calorie
Which warms up faster when heat is applied-iron or silver?
Does a substance that cools off quickly have a high or a low specific heat capacity?
Northeastern Canada and much of Europe receive about the same amount of sunlight per unit area. Why then is Europe generally warmer in the winter?
Gulf-stream carries warm water to Europe.
Why is the temperature fairly constant for land masses surrounded by large bodies of water?
When it is hot, the water cools; and when it is cold, the water warms.
Why does a bimetallic strip bend with changes in temperature?
Because it is made of two different kinds of metals. One metal expands more than the other.
When the temperature of ice-cold water is increased slightly, does it undergo a net expansion or a net contraction?
Contraction (0-4 C), then expansion.
Does "microscopic slush" in water tend to make it more dense or less dense?
Less dense
At what temperature do the combined effects of contraction and expansion produce the smallest volume for water?
4 degrees.
Why does ice form at the surface of a body of water instead of at the bottom?
Because water at 0 degrees is not the most dense.